These days, mass shooters like the one now held in the Buffalo, New York, supermarket attack don’t stop with planning out their brutal attacks. They also create marketing plans while arranging to livestream their massacres on social platforms in hopes of fomenting more violence. Sites like Twitter, Facebook and now […]
This article is part of the On Tech newsletter. Here is a collection of past columns. Every few months, I concoct new ways to say that tech giants make a lot of money. Today, I give up. I’ll just say that Big Tech companies are really, really, really, really big […]
As part of its 14th Five Year Plan, China plans to increase support for research and development into 6G or sixth generation internet. 6G is said to come after current 5G technology though no global standards or definition have been agreed upon yet. Rafael Henrique | SOPA Images | LightRocket […]
Since 1972, Summer Youth Programs (SYP) at Michigan Tech has delivered hands-on educational explorations for tens of thousandsof middle and high school students from around the world. SYP draws an average of 1,100 participants to Michigan Technological University’scampus each year, many of whom go on to become Michigan Tech students. […]
Everyone is saying it, but does anyone really know what it means? That’s the question many media execs probably have at the moment about the “metaverse,” which has been touted by some futurists as something that will fundamentally change the way businesses digitally interact with consumers. But to others who […]