Tips for Finding the Right Opportunity and Starting a New Business


Starting a business is a different experience for everyone. But there are some universal truths like finding work-life balance and considering all the opportunities available. These tips from members of the online small business community may be helpful for those just getting started.

Minimize Entrepreneur Burnout

Entrepreneurs are often super passionate when they’re just starting out. This can lead to long hours and lots of output. However, it can also lead to burnout. Learn how to avoid this fate in this Startup Professionals Musings post by Marty Zwilling.

Look for the Right Franchise to Open

A franchise business can give you a head start on things like branding and marketing your new business. But you need to choose the right option for your goals. In this post, Joel Libava of The Franchise King shares some signs that you’re on the wrong track.

Learn These Lessons Before Starting an Online Business

It’s possible to start a business online as soon as you have an idea. But some businesses do require a bit of knowledge before getting started. Erik Emanuelli discusses things to know in this Inspire to Thrive post. And the BizSugar community talked more in the community.

Learn About Employment Law and Compliance

Bringing in a team for your new business requires learning about employment law. Things like workplace safety and minimum wage laws may confuse some new business owners. But this post by Yuriy Moshes includes a guide to these issues.

Browse for Turnkey Business Opportunities

Some businesses require months or years of hard work before launching. Others only need a few steps. If you’re interested in the latter, check out this SMB CEO post by Ivan Widjaya. He shares tips for browsing for such opportunities.

Find the Right Email Marketing Tool for Your Business

Email marketing is a must for new businesses. But there are multiple tools for you to consider. In this 99signals post, Sandeep Mallya compares a few of the top options. And the BizSugar community shared thoughts here.

Learn Your SEO Ranking Factors

If you want a new business to succeed in 2021, you need to be easily found on search engines. To do that, you need to understand what factors may impact your Google ranking. This Bright Local post by Jamie Pitman dives into a new feature that may help you do just that.

Thrive with Purpose Driven Digital Marketing

Most entrepreneurs have a clear purpose in mind when they start out. But that purpose may get foggier when you focus on specific tasks like marketing. To stay focused on that vision, read this Duct Tape Marketing post by Sara Nay for purpose driven marketing tips.

Stay on Top of YouTube Updates

YouTube can be a powerful way to share your new business’s messaging. You can even build an entire business on the platform. Since it’s constantly updating, learning about new features is a must for entrepreneurs. Ileane Smith elaborates on a recent update here.

Build Your Blog Audience Naturally

You can build your entire business around blogging or use it as a marketing channel. Whatever the purpose, you need an audience if you want to make an impact. In this Moss Media post, Moss Clement goes over some easy ways to build an audience naturally.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: [email protected].

Image: Depositphotos

Christin Hakim

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Getting the Basics of Your Business Right from the Start

Sat Sep 18 , 2021
<img src=”″ border=”0″ style=”border:none;max-width:100%;padding-bottom:20px;” alt=”” /> <img data-attachment-id=”186816″ data-permalink=”” data-orig-file=”″ data-orig-size=”936,710″ data-comments-opened=”0″ data-image-meta=”{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}” data-image-title=”Business4″ data-image-description=”” data-image-caption=”” data-medium-file=”″ data-large-file=”″ loading=”lazy” class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-186816″ src=”″ alt=”” width=”936″ height=”710″ srcset=” 936w, 250w, 468w, 768w” sizes=”(max-width: 936px) 100vw, 936px” data-recalc-dims=”1″ />When you are starting a business from scratch, it is important […]
Getting the Basics of Your Business Right from the Start

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