Are you a true omnivore? Someone who never leaves his plate, because the food might not be as tasty, or you don’t really like the product? When you’re someone who doesn’t say no to anything, you can be a real lucky guy. So you often get the products that others don’t like. But do you actually know what is in the products that you eat? Many products contain ingredients that you may not know about. An example of such a product is palm oil. Do you want to know how that is possible and what palm oil contains? Then read on.
The hidden taste
It may surprise you, but many products contain palm oil. You cannot easily distinguish palm oil products. This is because palm oil itself does not really have its own taste. As a result, you cannot quickly taste whether you are eating palm oil products. You may also be surprised by the number of products that contain palm oil. Do you want to know which palm oil products are available and what you would not expect it from? Then read on.
Saw two bears….
When you are making your own bread in the morning, you may not think that almost all sweet toppings fall under palm oil products. Yet it is so. Chocolate paste, DUO penotti, peanut butter, jam and much more. This is because palm oil ensures that the topping is more spreadable.
Cookie monster
Are you a real cookie monster? Nice for coffee and tea in the evening? Or just to enjoy it in between? It may surprise you, but most cookies are also palm oil products. For example, palm oil occurs in cookies such as gingerbread, Bastogne, Liga, Oreo and much more. You will not often look at the back of such packaging, but between the ingredients there is real palm oil.
A nice bottle of milk for the afternoon nap
Do you also give your baby baby food from the supermarket? Then you have palm oil products in your hands. The baby food of Nutrilon, for example, also contains palm oil. So you can have to deal with a palm oil product from a very young age. You can’t really avoid a palm oil product, because almost everywhere there is palm oil in it.
What exactly is palm oil in?
When you look at the back of a package or label, you can see if the ingredients contain palm oil. If you cannot find this, the palm oil can also fall under a pseudonym, namely vegetable oil. As soon as you see it among the ingredients, you can assume with almost 99% certainty that you are dealing with palm oil products.