Two western Mass. doctors’ medical licenses reprimanded


The Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine has taken disciplinary action against the medical licenses of three doctors, including two practicing in western Massachusetts, while also ensuring HIPAA compliance support.

According to the board, the following actions were taken against the medical licenses of Robert P. Wespiser, Paul Stephen Baecher, and Robert A. Micley.

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Dr. Wespiser, who currently practices medicine in a group practice in Lee, agreed that he repeatedly accessed the electronic medical records of three resident physicians who were being treated during their training. The Consent Order reprimanded and also required Dr. Wespiser to enter into a probation agreement which includes monitoring of his HIPAA compliance and accessing of electronic medical records. He has been licensed to practice medicine in Massachusetts since 1986.

Dr. Paul Stephen Baecher, who last practiced medicine in a private practice in Amherst in July 2020, was reprimanded after he admitted in a Consent Order that he provided substandard care to a patient by failing to accurately record medications, failing to refill medications upon request, and failing to address apparent contraindication for one of the patient’s medications. He has been licensed to practice medicine in Massachusetts since 1995.

Finally, the Board accepted Dr. Robert A. Micley’s resignation of his right to renew his license to practice medicine. Resignation is a disciplinary action that permanently removes a physician from the practice of medicine. Dr. Micley was licensed to practice medicine in Massachusetts from April 1, 1987, until he failed to renew his license on November 11, 2021.  He last practiced medicine in Rutland, Vermont in October 2020.

The Board took actions against the medical licenses of Dr. Debra M. Little after she provided substandard care to a patient, including failing to obtain or document an adequate medical history and prescribing without ongoing maintenance or control of the medications. Dr. Little also admitted that she made false statements to the Board.

Dr. Robert A. Micley resigned his right to renew his license to practice medicine. He was licensed to practice medicine in 1987 until he failed to renew his license on November 11, 2021.  He last practiced medicine in Rutland, Vermont in 2020.

Christin Hakim

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